March 2015 Program

The Wisconsin Chapter of ASHRAE is proud to announce our next chapter meeting on March 19th. Ryan Hoger, Director of Corporate Training for Temperature Equipment Corporation,  will be presenting on Rooftop Unit Optimization. This topic will offer a continuation of some of our earlier discussions regarding RTU’s. For a full course description and background on our presenter, please see the write-up below.

The program will be held at a new venue for us, Dave & Buster’s located in Wauwatosa on Hwy 100, see

4:00 to 5:00 PM – Registration and Networking (Cash Bar)
5:00 PM – Scholarship/Awards Presentation
5:00 to 6:00 PM – Presentation (Appetizers)
6:00 to 8:00 PM – Reception: Buffett Dinner & D&B Fun!



Packaged rooftop units (RTUs) are used to easily and effectively heat and cool more than 50% of all commercial buildings, but are they efficient?  The cooling efficiency improvements in the refrigeration circuits have improved slightly in the past 10 years and the average gas efficiency has improved from 80% to just 82%.  What else can we do to make a simple RTU use significantly less energy to heat and cool our structures?  A recent 2013 Department of Energy study explored this exact question and the solution is summarized by the term Advanced Rooftop Control or ARC.  This seminar will explore that ARC research and several options for existing (or new) RTUs to save 24 to 35% of the fan, cooling, and heating energy.

 Review of What We Already Know… but maybe don’t implement enough

  • Programmable Thermostats: recommended settings, OA interlocks, and Wi-Fi… duh, everything with an App is better
  • Economizers: dry-bulb vs. enthalpy, integrated economizing, and recommended settings… yes you have been too conservative
  • Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV): basic concept, sensor reliability, recommended settings, and “is that allowed in Wisconsin?”
  • Code requirements, utility rebates, and energy savings calcs for all of the above

What is New?… or at least new again

  • Multi-speed fan control of “Constant Volume” systems
  • Name Game: Staged Air Volume (SAV), Single Zone VAV, Multi-stage Air Volume (MSAV)
  • How is SAV different than VAV?
  • What good is a VFD on a “constant volume” RTU?
  • How is it controlled?
  • Is it required by energy codes or standards?
  • Energy savings and utility rebates

What about ERVs, Variable Capacity Compressors, Dynamic Balancing Systems, and Magic Black Boxes… oh, we love those magic elixirs

  • It is not easy jamming 4 hours of topics into an hour, so we cannot cover everything
  • Never fear, we can direct folks to recorded webinars if they want to learn more about some of these technologies
  • And of course there is always cocktail time… Ryan would be happy to discuss any of these topics with you


Ryan R. Hoger, LEED AP, has been with Temperature Equipment Corp. since 1997. He was the 2007-08 president of the Illinois ASHRAE Chapter and is actively involved with several ASHRAE and gas/electric utility committees. He has extensive experience with RTU controls, building automation systems (BAS), energy recovery ventilators (ERV), variable refrigerant flow (VRF), demand controlled ventilation (DCV), and other energy conserving HVAC systems.  Ryan has written several HVAC articles for various publications and has a Bachelor of Science degree in General Engineering from the University of Illinois. He can be contacted at

Please register in advance.

ASCE AEI Conference 2015

The Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI), in partnership with the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE), is pleased to announce the 6th Biennial Professional Conference for 2015. The theme of the conference is the “Birth and Life of the Integrated Building.”

The conference offers an opportunity for members of the building construction industry, including structural, mechanical, and electrical engineers, construction management professional and architects, to learn about and discuss advanced strategies and state-of-the-art practices of building technology. The conference offers a balance between academics and practice and will offer presentations, panel discussions, workshops, technical paper sessions, keynote presentations, local tours of technical interest, a student competition and professional practice awards. In addition, MSOE will be hosting a career fair the night before the conference that is open to all Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management employers and students.

Visit for more information and registration. Visit for information on the career fair.

February 2015 Program

The Wisconsin Chapter of ASHRAE is proud to announce our next chapter meeting on February 19th. Dave Burggren, Director of Commercial Sales from Weil-McLain, will be presenting on Commercial High Efficiency Boiler Applications, and Heat Exchanger Technology. Dave will be visiting from Pittsburgh so we hope to be able to show him a warm welcome. Our chapter member Tom Buckley has coordinated this event for us.

The program will be held at Joey Buona’s (Naples Room) located at downtown Milwaukee 500 North Water St

4:30 to 5:15 PM – Registration and Networking
5:15 to 6:15 – Family Style Dinner & Presentation
6:15 to 7:00 PM – Reception

Please register in advance.

January 2015 Program

The Wisconsin Chapter of ASHRAE invites you to MSOE for an Ethics Education Program on January 15th at 11am.

The presentation will be conducted by MSOE Assistant Professor, Douglas J. Nelson, PE, and will qualify for 2 PDH’s or 0.2 CEU’s.

Location: MSOE Alumni Partnership Center
1025 N Broadway, Milwaukee, WI 53202

Campus Map

January 15, 2015
11:00-11:50 – Welcome by MSOE Graduate and Professional Education / Preso Part 1
11:50-12:10 – Buffet Lunch
12:10-1:00 – Presentation Part 2

Please register in advance.

December 2014 Program

The Wisconsin Chapter of ASHRAE invites you to attend a tour of ABB in New Berlin on December 18th. The tour of the facility will include an overview of the HVAC system and equipment, a visit through the mechanical room, review energy saving techniques that were implemented, along with a brief tour of the manufacturing facility.

ABB is a global leader in power and automation products.  The approximately 150,000 sqft ABB facility in New Berlin houses both manufacturing and office space.  The building recently underwent a major renovation, which included an entirely new HVAC system.  The system includes a central plant, thermal storage, FANWALL technology, adiabatic humidification, and an intelligent system utilizing BACnet communications.  In fact, this building was recently featured in the attached BACnet publication. 

After the tour we will have a reception with drinks and food at the New Berlin Ale House.


4:15 to 4:30 PM – Meet at Lobby of ABB
4:30 to 6:00 PM – Tour ABB
6:00 to 8:00 PM – Reception at New Berlin Ale House (Buffet Dinner)

Click HERE to download a PDF article about the facility from the September 2014 edition of BACnet International Journal.