Harwood Engineering Consultants has posted a new job listing to the ASHRAE Wisconsin Chapter website. You can find details and contact information on the job listings page or by following this link:
Research Promotion Chair
Randy Sikkema has rejoined the Board of Governors as the Research Promotion Chair. Be sure to congratulate him on his “new” role, and thank him for his service!
September ’13-14 Badgeraire
The latest edition of the Badgeraire is now published online. You can find it for download on the Badgeraire page of the site by clicking on the “Current Issue” button.
2013-14 Board of Governors Updated
The list of officers and chairpersons has been updated for the upcoming 2013-14 ASHRAE year. You can find the names and emails here.
September 2013 Program
The 2013-14 ASHRAE season kicks off September 19th at Joey Buona’s (500 N Water)
Registration and Social are from 5:30 to 6 PM. The presentation will run from 6:00 to 7.
Speaker Jim Coogan of Siemens joins us to present a seminar on control loops; from the most basic concepts to advanced control algorithms. The talk will emphasize fundamentals and their applications across a diverse range of systems. Attendees will leave with a better understanding of controller accuracy, stability, and how to attain them; as well as instability, errors, and how to avoid them. Consulting engineers can specifically expect to gain insight regarding specifying, achieving, and documenting control loop performance. Installers and users should leave with a better understanding of the principles of operation for a basic control system.
Please register in advance.