The 12th Annual Mike Stram Open Golf Tournament & Trap Shoot

The 12th Annual Mike Stram Open Golf Tournament / Trap Shoot is almost here and promises to be a day of fun and excitement. There will be golf, lunch, dinner, door prizes, raffle and flag events. Thank you ever so much those that sponsored last year.

With your help last year over $3000 was donated to the Scholarship Program. We hope we can count on your continued support this year.

This year we will have our outing at the Muskego Lakes Country Club on June 3rd.  We will have a Grill Lunch for everyone from 11am – 12pm during registration, an afternoon session of Golf starting at 12:00pm (Scramble) and a new Trap Shoot Event at Boxhorn Sportsman’s Club which is nearby for those non-golfers and for everyone there will be Dinner at Muskego Lakes Country Club – with door prize raffle after both events.

SPONSORSHIP LEVELS:  Major – $1500, Gold – $500, Silver – $350, Hole/Green – $250, Door Prize $100 & Beverage Cart Sponsor – $1000. Sponsors will be recognized at the banquet.  More details on sponsorship levels can be found in this pdf link: Sponsorship Levels.

Revenue from this day of golf, cards and camaraderie will be donated to the Gus A Larson Scholarship Fund.

We thank you for your donation and your continued support in making this a very successful outing each year.

The day schedule will be as follows:

At Muskego Lakes Country Club
Afternoon Activities:
Lunch                                                11:00am
Shotgun Start – Golf (Scramble)        12:00 pm (Sharp)

At Boxhorn Sportsman’s Club
Afternoon Activities:
Lunch                                            11:00am
Trap Shoot                                     12:00 pm (Sharp)

At Muskego Lakes Country Club
Evening Activities:
Cocktails                                         4:30 pm
Dinner                                            5:30 pm

Following the event there will be a cash bar, dinner, and the awarding of door prizes.

Only a paid reservation will assure you a spot on the golf course or at the sportsman’s club.

Registration Deadline is: May 15, 2013. Event flyers / registration can be found at the following links:

Muskego Lakes Golf Outing
Trap Shoot Outing

The reservation and fees should be mailed to:

c/o JMB & Associates, Joe Schmidt
N50 W13906 Overview Drive
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051.

Or you may fax the flyer to (262)432-0635 with check to follow to be received by June 3, 2013.

If you have any questions, you can reach me or my assistant Linda Gerbitz at (262)432-0630. We look forward to seeing you on June 2nd.

Joe Schmidt

ECW Study Results

Commissioning can lead to energy savings—often 60% or more
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